Para los hombres









Síntomas de niveles bajos de testosterona

¿Te sientes sin energía a diario?

Si dejó de hacer ejercicio debido a la falta de energía o las tareas diarias le resultan desafiantes, es importante saber que la fatiga prolongada no es normal.

¿Experimentar niveles más bajos de libido?

Cuando los niveles de testosterona caen por debajo de lo normal, la libido puede disminuir.

¿Experimentando una fuerza eréctil disminuida?

Este tema puede resultar incómodo para muchos hombres, pero las erecciones debilitadas alrededor de los 40 años pueden no ser culpa suya; sin embargo, pueden tratarse eficazmente.

¿Le resulta difícil levantar objetos que solía levantar con facilidad?

A pesar de sentirte menos activo, no logras identificar el motivo de tu pérdida de fuerzas.

¿Te sientes deprimido y no sabes por qué?

Un estudio de Múnich descubrió que los hombres con depresión suelen tener niveles bajos de testosterona, junto con niveles elevados de cortisol.

¿Tiene dificultades para mantenerse concentrado?

Algunos días, identificar proyectos o tareas resulta abrumador, especialmente las tareas que dependen de la memoria y las habilidades cognitivas.

¿Notas cambios cuando te miras al espejo?

A medida que disminuye la testosterona, también lo hace la masa muscular.

Síntomas de

Testosterona baja

¿Te sientes sin energía a diario?

Si dejó de hacer ejercicio debido a la falta de energía o las tareas diarias le resultan desafiantes, es importante saber que la fatiga prolongada no es normal.

¿Experimentar niveles más bajos de libido?

Cuando los niveles de testosterona caen por debajo de lo normal, la libido puede disminuir.

¿Experimentando una fuerza eréctil disminuida?

Este tema puede resultar incómodo para muchos hombres, pero las erecciones debilitadas alrededor de los 40 años pueden no ser culpa suya; sin embargo, pueden tratarse eficazmente.

¿Le resulta difícil levantar objetos que solía levantar con facilidad?

A pesar de sentirte menos activo, no logras identificar el motivo de tu pérdida de fuerzas.

¿Te sientes deprimido y no sabes por qué?

Un estudio de Múnich descubrió que los hombres con depresión suelen tener niveles bajos de testosterona, junto con niveles elevados de cortisol.

¿Tiene dificultades para mantenerse concentrado?

Algunos días, identificar proyectos o tareas resulta abrumador, especialmente las tareas que dependen de la memoria y las habilidades cognitivas.

¿Notas cambios cuando te miras al espejo?

A medida que disminuye la testosterona, también lo hace la masa muscular.


¿Cuales son los beneficios?


Estado de ánimo y memoria


Niveles de ansiedad

Riesgo reducido

de la osteoporosis






Función del cerebro


¡Absolutamente! Existen muchos conceptos erróneos sobre la terapia con testosterona, principalmente centrados en la creencia de que es riesgosa o incluso mortal. Sin embargo, esto está lejos de ser cierto.

Sin embargo, esto está lejos de ser cierto. Si bien los esteroides anabólicos utilizados por algunos atletas contienen testosterona o sustancias químicas similares, las dosis terapéuticas apuntan a los niveles hormonales naturales en la sangre. A diferencia del consumo ilícito, que implica dosis mucho más altas y muchas veces combinado con otras sustancias.

Las preocupaciones sobre el aumento del riesgo de sufrir ataques cardíacos y cáncer han sido refutadas por estudios recientes publicados en revistas médicas revisadas por pares. De hecho, algunos estudios incluso muestran una disminución de los ataques cardíacos. En esencia, la terapia con testosterona ofrece un medio seguro y eficaz para mejorar la vitalidad y la calidad de vida.

Dr. Glen Mccracken headshot 
A white man with a grey beard wearing a white shirt and tie.

Dr. Glen Mccracken | Aptitud hormonal

  • What are the symptoms of low testosterone in men?

    TRT is often recommended for men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone levels, such as decreased libido, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, mood changes, and reduced muscle mass.

  • How is TRT administered for men?

    TRT can be administered through various forms, including injections, gels, patches, pellets, and oral medications.

    At Hormone Fitness, we believe injections are the most accurate way for the body to absorb and maintain proper testosterone levels. We will send testosterone directly to your home where you will have everything you need for your weekly injections.

  • Are there risks associated with TRT for men?

    Yes, potential risks include an increased risk of blood clots, acne, sleep apnea, enlargement of the prostate gland, and reduced sperm production.

  • What are the benefits of TRT for men?

    Benefits may include improved libido, increased energy levels, enhanced mood, increased muscle mass, and improved bone density.

  • Can TRT improve libido (sex drive) for men?

    One of the common symptoms of low testosterone levels is reduced libido. TRT can often help improve libido in men with low testosterone by restoring hormone levels to a more optimal range. However, the effect of TRT on libido can vary among individuals, and factors other than testosterone levels might also influence sexual desire and function. 

    Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to understand the potential impact of TRT on libido and overall sexual health.

  • Does TRT help reduce abdominal fat for men?

    While TRT may contribute to changes in body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing fat, its direct impact on abdominal fat varies among individuals. 

    Some research suggests that TRT may lead to modest reductions in abdominal fat in men with low testosterone levels, but results may not be consistent for everyone. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes are also important factors in managing body fat.

  • How long does it take to see results from TRT for men?

    Results vary for each individual, but many people notice improvements in symptoms within a few weeks to a few months of starting TRT.

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

  • Can TRT decrease sperm production?

    TRT can decrease sperm production and fertility in some men. If preserving fertility is a concern, alternative treatments should be considered.

  • Is TRT safe for all men?

    TRT isn't suitable for everyone. Men with certain medical conditions such as prostate cancer, severe heart or kidney disease, and high red blood cell counts should avoid TRT.

  • Is TRT a lifelong treatment for men?

    TRT may be long-term, but its duration depends on the individual's response to treatment and their specific health needs. Some men may continue TRT indefinitely, while others may discontinue after a certain period.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • What are the symptoms of low testosterone in men?

    TRT is often recommended for men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone levels, such as decreased libido, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, mood changes, and reduced muscle mass.

  • How is TRT administered for men?

    TRT can be administered through various forms, including injections, gels, patches, pellets, and oral medications.

    At Hormone Fitness, we believe injections are the most accurate way for the body to absorb and maintain proper testosterone levels. We will send testosterone directly to your home where you will have everything you need for your weekly injections.

  • Are there risks associated with TRT for men?

    Yes, potential risks include an increased risk of blood clots, acne, sleep apnea, enlargement of the prostate gland, and reduced sperm production.

  • What are the benefits of TRT for men?

    Benefits may include improved libido, increased energy levels, enhanced mood, increased muscle mass, and improved bone density.

  • Can TRT improve libido (sex drive) for men?

    One of the common symptoms of low testosterone levels is reduced libido. TRT can often help improve libido in men with low testosterone by restoring hormone levels to a more optimal range. However, the effect of TRT on libido can vary among individuals, and factors other than testosterone levels might also influence sexual desire and function. 

    Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to understand the potential impact of TRT on libido and overall sexual health.

  • Does TRT help reduce abdominal fat for men?

    While TRT may contribute to changes in body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing fat, its direct impact on abdominal fat varies among individuals. 

    Some research suggests that TRT may lead to modest reductions in abdominal fat in men with low testosterone levels, but results may not be consistent for everyone. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes are also important factors in managing body fat.

  • How long does it take to see results from TRT for men?

    Results vary for each individual, but many people notice improvements in symptoms within a few weeks to a few months of starting TRT.

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

  • Can TRT decrease sperm production?

    TRT can decrease sperm production and fertility in some men. If preserving fertility is a concern, alternative treatments should be considered.

  • Is TRT safe for all men?

    TRT isn't suitable for everyone. Men with certain medical conditions such as prostate cancer, severe heart or kidney disease, and high red blood cell counts should avoid TRT.

  • Is TRT a lifelong treatment for men?

    TRT may be long-term, but its duration depends on the individual's response to treatment and their specific health needs. Some men may continue TRT indefinitely, while others may discontinue after a certain period.


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